Polski | English


Video/photo report
WHEN 9 June 2018 9:30AM - 6:00PM
WHERE Warsaw, PL PGE Narodowy,
Ks. J. Poniatowskiego 1 Street


Poland is still missing a platform to conduct a serious debate on strategic systemic issues and challenges connected with the protection of human and civil rights. In the times of social and economic changes that permanently raise new questions about the most important legal problems, we need an open and brave discussion along the creation and application of the law in our country.

We want the Forum of Rights and Freedoms, organized in connection with the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to open a comprehensive debate on the fundamental constitutional issues.

It is only by raising difficult questions about good law that we can create effective guarantees for civil freedoms by allowing our community to effectively face fundamental development challenges.

On what grounds should the guarantees of rights and freedoms be based on in order to be long-lasting and real? Is the phenomenon of “human rights inflation” a reason for concern? To what extent can constitutional rights and freedoms be referred to individuals only and to what extent to communities? Which of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution are effectively protected and which ones need stronger statutory guarantees? To what extent do the existing guarantees correspond to the expectations of the society? Can Poland have mature watchdog organizations to monitor the protection of civil rights? These are only some questions that the participants of the Forum will be trying to find an answer to.

We want to create a platform for an interdisciplinary debate among scientists, social activists, businessmen, civil servants and journalists. This debate will mainly concentrate on current problems connected with the State system, economic freedom, women’s rights or with the legal protection of a family. We would also very much like to find out whether in the contemporary debate on the respect of human rights the classical notions of justice, tradition and authority can be of any help. We will also try to find the interrelation between civil rights, civil duties and our responsibility as citizens.

The Forum is organized by the Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture, Confederation of Non-governmental Initiatives of the Republic of Poland, Association KoLiber. The project joined representatives of the Allerhand Institute, the Jagiellonian Club, Adam Smith Centre, Warsaw Enterprise Institute, Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers, Union of Large Families 3+, Cegielski Center, Court Watch Foundation and "Parents School" Foundation, and researchers from Poland and abroad. The Forum will take place on Saturday, 9 th of June 2018 in the Conference Center of the PGE Narodowy in Warsaw.

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