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Grzegorz Górny

Grzegorz Górny (born on 30 March 1969) – Polish journalist and author.
Graduate in journalism at the University of Warsaw. In the early 1990s, he worked at Gazeta Wyborcza daily.
In 1994, together with Rafał Smoczyński, he founded Fronda quarterly and was his editor for 11 years. Between 1995 and 2001, he co-authored the TV show under the same title.
In July 2005, the owners of Ozon weekly hired him as the editor-in-chief. After the failure of Ozon he became the Vice-President of Media Dei company which will publish a new weekly of a profile similar to that of Ozon. The author of documentaries under “Special Report” series for Polsat TV and the co-author of the TV report on the activities of the Military Intelligence Services in Polish TV media in the 1990s, broadcast as a par of the report TV series “30 minutes”. Between October 2007 and April 2012 he was the editor in chief of Fronda quarterly. In December 2012, he became the columnist of W Sieci weekly and wpolitce.pl portal. He is the host of the Club of the 3rd Channel, at Program III of the Polish Radio.
Honored with a number of journalist, movie and book awards (including Grand Press, Feniks and Jerzy Zieleński Prize). Decorated with the Hungarian Order of Merit.
Married to Angelika (member of 2Tm2,3 music band), they have five children.

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